Friday, March 6, 2020

Errors and Mistakes in Language Learning A Field Guide

Errors and Mistakes in Language Learning A Field Guide Errors and Mistakes in Language Learning: A Field Guide You never see them coming.They get you LOLing and even ROFLing.Lets face facts: sometimes messing up is the highlight of your day.While some language mistakes are funny, if your goal is fluency, youll have to work hard to cut out mistakes and errors. Thats because errors in language learning  can have some serious consequences.Language acquisition  comes with a lot of laughs, but that doesnt mean its all fun and games.Linguists, psychologists and language teachers have studied language acquisition extensively, so if this is a topic that interests you, you might want to sample the abundant literature on the topic.For instance,  Second Language Acquisition by Wolfgang Klein discusses the process of learning another language.  Errors in Language Learning and Use by Carl James focuses more squarely on the role errors can play in language education.For now, though, lets dive in head-first with a basic primer in common mistakes and errors you might encounter on your learning journey. Why Its Important to Be Aware of Common Errors and MistakesFirst, its important to be aware of typical errors and mistakes in order to avoid falling into common issues. For instance, if you know that many language learners avoid difficult constructs, you can try to prevent this error by putting extra effort into studying the most difficult concepts, like the subjunctive mode.Think of errors and mistakes as potholes in the road to language learning. If you spot them up ahead, you can swerve. If not, youre in for a rough ride.Plus, being aware of common errors and mistakes will  remind you that youre not alone when you stumble upon them. Language learners can be pretty hard on themselves. When you encounter a roadblock, it can be easy to feel defeated.Knowing that a lot of learners encounter these problems will help you remember that it happens to nearly everyone. Even people who have  learned multiple languages  have likely stumbled into mistakes and errors at some point.Errors and Mist akes in Language Learning: A Field GuideColloquially, we might use mistakes and errors interchangeably, but in linguistics, theyre two distinct concepts.Mistakes entail failing to apply the rules consistently. This means you know the rule, you just dont always follow it. People often make mistakes in their native languages, too.Between errors and mistakes, errors are the more threatening adversary. Theyre a result of lack of proper knowledge.Lets look at mistakes first.Common Mistakes in Language LearningFailing to use proper verb tensesWhen conjugating verbs in a foreign language, students might stick with simpler verb tenses than are necessary since theyre more familiar. This usually means using the infinitive or simple present tense. For instance, students learning English might slip up and say I am sick even if the want to indicate that it has been ongoing, which would be better captured with I have been sick.Since important information such as time frames and conditionality can be conveyed through verb tenses, its important to use the right tense for your intended meaning. Completing verb exercises and using a wide array of verb tenses through speaking and writing practice will pay off in droves.Misusing vocabularyMany students often misuse vocabulary. You  memorize words  and chances are you really do know what they mean, but if youre speaking or writing quickly, you might sometimes slip up and misuse a word or forget it altogether.For instance, even when you know that the Spanish word embarazada means pregnant, you could slip up and try to use it to mean embarrassed.  Luckily, practice makes perfect. The more often you use the words youve learned, the less likely youll misuse them.Subject/verb agreementDepending on what language youre learning, there will be different verb endings to go along with different subjects. Ensuring that your subject and verb agree will help clarify which subject goes with which verb.For instance, a student learning English mi ght say they eats. However, learners may struggle with this due to lack of practice. The more writing and speaking practice you have, the less likely youll struggle with subject/verb agreement.Gender agreementMany languages have gendered nouns and adjectives. Since this is something that English lacks, students may find it a little tricky. To avoid mistakes with gender agreement, its important to make gender an important part of your word study. Another valuable trick is to pay attention to gender patterns.Often times, words of a particular gender will share a similar ending. For instance, someone studying Russian might not remember if ?????? is masculine or feminine. However, if theyve studied that the -???? ending is masculine, theyre less likely to slip up. Over time, studying endings will make it easy to identify the gender of a word without having to consciously think about it.Common Errors in Language LearningSecond Language Learning Errors Their Types, Causes, and Treatment b y Hanna Y. Touchie identifies several of these common errors in language learning. For additional details on their causes and treatment, you might consider referring back to this helpful study.Applying rules from your native language (also known as L1 interference or language transfer)Its widely accepted  that language students take some elements of their first language and apply it to their second. While the exact nature of the transfer varies between languages, it may often include grammatical rules.Its only natural. Since youre more familiar with your native language, it can be easy to transfer rules from one to the other.What can you do to prevent it? Sadly, the verdict is out on this. Researchers continue to study L1 interference/language transfer looking for a solution.Inaccurate or incomplete educationWhether its from faulty teaching or simply not learning enough, a flawed education can result in errors.To avoid this, be sure to use quality resources and/or seek a well-prepar ed teacher. To ensure you have sufficient education, you can continue taking courses or using other learning materials until you reach your desired level of proficiency.If youre studying a language yourself, you might consider an online language teacher to help fill in the gaps or clarify certain concepts.AvoidanceAvoidance occurs when a language structure is particularly difficult. For instance, native Chinese and Japanese speakers often avoid relative clauses when speaking English.Ironically, avoiding difficult structures is self perpetuatingâ€"they wont get easier if you dont practice themâ€"so try to use the most appropriate structures possible even if they require extra effort. Set a timer and plan on spending 15 minutes a day studying this topic. Soon youll find that it isnt as overwhelming as you once thought.SimplificationSimplification is similar to avoidance in that it often stems from a structure being to difficult. Learners use a simpler form in place of complex structur es because they dont quite get it.For instance, some learners may consistently use simpler verb tenses in place of more challenging tenses. While using a wrong verb form can also be a mistake (when a learner has the knowledge, but fails to implement the rules correctly), consistently choosing simpler verb forms is an error of simplification.OvergeneralizationOvergeneralization occurs when a learner incorrectly applies a rule to a situation in which that rule does not apply.  One study  indicated that this may be more common in elementary students than intermediate students.For instance, if a Spanish student conjugated the present tense  yo (I)  form of  estar  (to be) as  esto, this would be an error of overgeneralization. While a similar conjugation would work for most verbs,  estar  is irregular and doesnt follow standard rules.To avoid overgeneralization, it helps to pay particular attention to exceptions to rules, such as irregular verbs.HypercorrectionHypercorrection (also call ed induced errors) occurs when students have been over corrected, ironically pushing them to make new errors.For instance, since many Spanish words begin with  es, you may hear some Spanish speakers begin English-language words with a similar sound. For instance,  especial. However, native Spanish speakers who are diligently studying English may go to the extreme to avoid this, hypercorrecting by avoiding  es even when English words call for it. For instance, they may say sential instead of essential.FossilizationLike fossils, fossilization errors occur when something has been around for a long time. In this case, fossilization refers to how errors that have been repeated over and over can become fossilized, and therefore hard to get rid of.Remember: Language learning builds on itself, so starting out with a strong foundation is important.False concepts hypothesizedFalse concepts hypothesized refers to errors that stem when learners make incorrect assumptions about their target lang uage. Because they believe these assumptions are correct, errors will consistently occur.For instance,  one example  would be a student learning English who thinks is is necessary to indicate present tense. Therefore, he/she might say She is read book.Obviously, avoiding assumptions is helpful, but having a teacher or tutor who can correct you before these habits become ingrained is also useful.Remember, dont take yourself too seriously, but keep an eye out for these mistakes and errors on your path to fluency! And One More ThingSo now you know what not to do in learning a language, but what should you do?Authentic media like the kind on FluentU helps you avoid and train yourself out of common errors and mistakes over time, since it gives you important context you cant ignore along with the language.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, including movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive Transcripts You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

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